
Incoming (June 2025) Associate Professor at the University of Oxford
and Tutorial Fellow at St Hugh's College

Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione Fellow at EPFL
ME C2 399 (Bâtiment ME), Station 9, 1015, Lausanne

ORCID · Google Scholar

Prospective PhD Students: I will be joining the Control Group at the University of Oxford as an Associate Professor in June 2025. I am currently seeking exceptional students with a strong background in mathematics, theory, and computation to join my research group starting in October 2025. If you have a strong interest in optimization and control, please contact me at luca.furieri@epfl.ch with the following documents:

  • Your CV
  • Grade transcripts
  • A brief overview of your research interests

Please note that all applications must follow the Postgraduate Admissions guidelines. The deadline for the next cycle is December 3rd, 2024. I am affiliated with the EPSRC-funded Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Autonomous Intelligent Machines and Systems (AIMS). Applying early improves your chances of securing funding.

Some specific funding sources offered by Oxford University include:

Please see below for a fully funded opportunity.

Research Studentship in Learning-based Control and Optimization

3.5-year D.Phil. studentship

Project: Optimal Control and Machine Learning at Scale

Supervisor: Prof Luca Furieri

The project aims to establish novel paradigms by leveraging data-driven methods and machine learning (ML) to improve the safety and performance of control architectures for large-scale dynamical systems, while also making ML algorithms more transferable, dependable, and scalable through the lens of control theory.

The research will have a strong mathematical foundation, focusing on new methodologies at the intersection of control theory and machine learning. It will also involve computational efforts to understand how large networks of physical systems behave when interfaced with online data-driven algorithms. Target benchmarks will include networks of power systems and autonomous vehicles. Applications will extend to federated learning and multi-agent reinforcement learning.

The project will enable the candidate to build a unique profile by integrating theoretical and engineering aspects of automatic control and ML, providing an ideal foundation for careers in both academia and the robotics and data science industries. Candidates will collaborate with a broader team working on diverse aspects of optimization, data-driven control, and physical engineering systems. Research collaborations, both nationally and internationally, will be fostered and encouraged.


This international studentship is funded through the Engineering Science department and is open to students of all nationalities (full award – fees plus stipend).

Award Value

Course fees are covered at the level set for UK students (c. £10700p.a.). The stipend (tax-free maintenance grant) is at least c. £19237 p.a. for the first year, and at least this amount for a further two and a half years.

Candidate Requirements

Prospective candidates will be judged according to how well they meet the following criteria:

  • A first class (or strong 2:1) degree in any of Engineering, Mathematics or Computer Science
  • A strong background in mathematics, control theory, machine-learning, statistics, optimization, or related quantitative fields
  • A creative and rigorous mindset, and a strong motivation to do research
  • Excellent English written and spoken communication skills

It is desirable that candidates possess expertise in some (but not all, or even most) of the following areas:

  • Control Engineering
  • Applied Mathematics and Statistics
  • Computer Science/AI
  • Programming / Software Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering or Robotics

Brief Biography

I am an SNSF Ambizione Fellow at EPF Lausanne since January 2023. I will be joining the Department of Engineering sciences at the University of Oxford as an Associate Professor in June 2025. My research focuses on learning and optimal control for distributed decision-making and large-scale safety critical applications.

Previously, I have been a Postdoctoral researcher at the Automatic Control Laboratory, EPFL, working in Giancarlo Ferrari Trecate's group, DECODE. In September 2020, I have received the Ph.D. degree in Control and Optimization from ETH - Zurich in the Automatic Control Laboratory (IfA) under the supervision of Prof. Maryam Kamgarpour. I have received the Bachelor and Master degrees in Automation Engineering from the University of Bologna, in 2014 and 2016 respectively.

I have received the SNSF Ambizione career grant in 2022. My papers have been awarded the IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems Best Paper Award in 2022, the European Control Conference Best Paper Award (finalist) in 2019, and the American Control Conference O. Hugo Schuck Best Paper Award in 2018.


Below you will find a few slides that describe my recent research work.

Job Talk

Brief overview of selected contributions

Job Talk

DNN control, distributed PH control, regret-optimal control


Learning to optimize with convergence guarantees

ECC Workshop

Deep Neural Network Control

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